Wednesday, January 5, 2011

THE GUILD 2011 Build Project - Part 1

(click here to see all posts for this project - PROJECT 2011 AFGHANISTAN GUILD BUILD)

After being a rather active observer on the The Guild forums for a couple of years now, I have been intrigued by the various build competitions the forum administers. This New Year I decided after so much time thinking about wargaming modern Afghanistan, I would commit to whatever build they decided to come up with in 2011. The accountability of this would be the motivation I would need.

So the 2011 Build for the The Guild is a complete project for the whole year with 5 deadlines staggered throughout the year. All you had to do was submit a theme and make sure each of the 5 deadlines are met with a completed model or models that fit into the theme you chose.

I chose ADF in modern Afghanistan including terrain and baddies.

For the 5 deadlines I have decided upon:

1. Terrain Boards - cork tile 1' x 1' square. In total I aim to build a 4' x 4' table and later add in complex tiles modelling a river, dry wadi, ridgelines, hills and a canal system.

2. ADF troops - a Platoon strength formation of ADF diggers with Bushmasters or ASLAVs. I may add in a SAS Special Forces group with vehicles as well.

3. Scenic items - fields, ditches, compounds, treelines, etc. I may add an OP during this phase.

4. Taliban and Insurgents. 50+ enemy fighters.

5. An after action report of a battle using all the above and Ambush Alley rules.

I am very excited about this and hopefully this time next year will be in a position to be running local AA games with all my stuff provided.

Stay tuned.

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